Close to take off...

Unlike the Atlantis, my sweater is clear for take off! Skies are cloudy (thus no reason to be outside which means more time for knitting), technical checks are good (sure, I've officially started classes but I don't have anything due tomorrow), and the astronauts (well, singular spaced out grad student who maybe could have been an astronaut if she'd studied science instead of...well, you know) are fed and healthy.
That photo was taken this morning, shortly after blocking. Now, the sleeves are sewn on and about 1/8 of the ends are woven in. Oh! The most important thing! I finally found BUTTONS!!!!

Of course, photos will be posted once it's finished.


BrandyMcD said...

I really like the grey edges! And the astronaut themed post.

jeekeehoo said...

Very cute post and I can't wait to see the sweater done! Is this the one from Interweave or something else?