NO knits were harmed in the making of this post. All knitwear handling was monitored by the American Society for the Protection of Knitted Articles (ASPKA).
This poor little sweater. I suppose taking a whole year to finish a sweater might be cruel, making it wait around while other projects lured me in, while baby clothes were knit (babies just won't wait you know!), stuffing it in my bag and putting it back in the closet while I succomb to sexy little blue sale yarn. Oh well, it's finally finished!! AND...I love it and have absolutely no desire to rip, none whatsoever!!! The sleeves are a little long but not a problem. I prefer longer sleeves.
I must say there were a few touchy moments in the process of producing this sweater. Because of the ribbing/cable design around the bottom, it looked way too small for my, ahem, polite cough, ample figure. Trusting my intuition that it would be fine with correct finishing I decided to wet block it. The Yarn Harlot is a big proponent of wet blocking and says it lets her "bend the knits to her will"! Exactly what I needed. But when I wetted the darn thing it turned into a saggy, fuzzy, weepy mess...and actually so did I! I was sure I had ruined it beyond repair. It would never take correct shape...ruined ruined ruined. I hadn't bent it to my will; I'd BROKEN it! But thanks to lots of blocking wires (thank you and thank you) and some patience, it actually dried beautifully! I should have had more faith but you do hear horror stories of this sort. It took a really long time to dry though. Actually not that long, but when it's pinned to your bed, time is of the essence!! I thought we might have to sleep on the couch. I've done a lot of crazy things for my knitting but asking my loving patient husband to sleep on the couch because a sweater has taken over his bed seemed just a little too much! I've got to get a better place to block stuff:-)
And now for something completely different! Lorna's Laces sock yarn!! I love this yarn but never wanted to spend that much on myself for socks. But did I mention my two best friends both decided to move out of town the same summer? This was the purchased on the way back from dropping off second of said friends at the airport. I call that sufficiently justified. Plus they were 25% off (of course I didn't know that until I was at the register with my little credit card raring to go but that can't be held against me, I got them on sale and that's all my husband need know).
I just love these colors together. I don't know how they'll knit up but all the socks I've seen on line from this yarn are lovely!
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Friday, August 04, 2006
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I think you need a needle holder for all those socks your going to be knitting! The colors look beautiful, I can't wait to see them in sock form!
Also, the sweater is great. I love the bell sleeves! I'm glad the wet blocking worked out for you, I've yet to try it on anything.
Oh, I'm thinking about taking up spinning...
I absolutely think you'd LOVE spinning! You'd be great at it. I could never do a drop spindle but everyone in my new spinning group talks about how great they are and how easy. It would certainly be an easy and inexpensive way to get started. I wish we still lived close so you could try my wheel. When will I see you again? Any trips to Baltimore planned in the near future (and this isn't about getting the needle holder although I'm so excited!)? I have something for you now! If you're not coming over anytime soon, email me your new address because I'd like to send this. How are things going there? You mentioned a library assignment. I didn't realize you'd be starting course work already but maybe that's just prep work. How do you like the school so far? How's the new apartment?
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