
...thy name is skein winder...

found this at a little local antique shop for next to nothing (they tried to give me nothing but I said, "no, that thing beside it please")

I just want to sit and look at it all the time!! I keep telling myself if I'll go spin, I can actually use it to wind yarn instead of just look at it but I'm too obsessed to leave it.


burab said...

S. Reiner, correct? I am going to look up best practices for cleaning - a conservation friend suggested spit and cotton swabs. That might not be so appealing, given the vast surface area.

jeekeehoo said...

Yes, S. Reiner.

You're kidding about the spit right? Please tell me you're kidding...

BrandyMcD said...

Oohhhh, ahhhhh. How cool!

I have finished projects to post, just have to upload the pics.

jeekeehoo said...

Brandy, I didn't know you had a blog!! Strawberry shampoo eh?! See the things you learn!