Before another month goes by...

I keep thinking, I'll finish this one more project and then I'll post them all, which is such a stupid thought in so many ways, not the least of which is I hate posting multiple items because it takes so long to up load them. It was just a creative procrastination technique obviously.

So, without further project completion (although, really, a zipper and a sleeve and there's two new sweaters to show!! ok ok, I'm posting, I'm posting).

The wedding gift blanket. It's ok that I finished it in October and didn't post it until 4 months later because giving it to them in October was 4 months later than the wedding. So at least I'm consistently untimely.

Christmas presents!!! Only two this year: Pierce's Sheldon and my cousin Natalie's Anemoi mittens. Nothing very exciting but you've got to admit, Sheldon's got the Snoopy dance goin' on!!!

I did design and knit a fingerless mitt/mitten combo for her too but only one is done. Of course, I think you've both seen it. I've been working on it so long that Abby had time to move back and Brandy's been to visit. Sheesh.


burab said...

Love those mittens! And the wedding blanket looks great - I'm sure it was worth the wait for them, it was for us! Glad you finally got around to posting...

BrandyMcD said...

What can I say? Love them all. The blanket is my favorite. No, the mittens are. Well, I dunno.