My first Etsy purchase!

Ok, it's an awful picture, but you can tell there are two tiny sheep kissing each other, right? How CUTE is that? They are so perfect. As soon as I saw them (the shop is I knew they would be mine. And the very nice crafter threw in one extra one that has a tiny heart on it (not shown in pic). Tiny little felted balls of joy. My week is made! Which is funny, considering that I was so sick Monday and Tuesday and JUST FOUND OUT that I have...MONO!!! Ugh! I thought that was something you got in high school or college? Lucky me... I'm down to 10 hrs of sleep a day instead of 20, so improvement is in the air. Bon weekend!


Unknown said...

Aww, the sheep are too cute - feel better soon! - Lolita

jeekeehoo said...

not possible to express how much I love the tiny little felted sheep

etsy is the COOLEST place ever!