Thank you Abby for allowing me back in.
So here's my news: I was pretty sure I had overheard it when I was in there and a recent check of their website confirms it. Debbie Bliss is coming to the LYS (LYS is Internet jargon for local yarn shop. I assumed you knew this but then got paranoid that you didn't. You might have thought that LYS was some freak cult I had joined out here. Like the Living Yellow Society in which people ate bananas for breakfast, macaroni and cheese for lunch, and corn chowder for dinner followed by that famous pot-luck dish of vanilla pudding and wafers for dessert. But don't worry, yellow has always washed out my complexion.)
So, I was saying. Debbie Bliss. Here. But when I read the details it wasn't quite as exciting. First of all it costs $40 to hear her speak. Second of all, the topic is how she designs her garments. Ho-hum. I mean it sounds exciting, but not THAT exciting. So I'm not sure if I'll go or not. I am wondering if I could just spontaneously show up to do shopping when she is there. And just get a peak...I want to know if she has a denim jacket with sparkles that says "Debbie Bliss" on the back.
In other news, I did get some knitting done. I made my mom an ipod cover. I forgot to take pictures but I did it with a tweedy Rowan yarn and it turned out better than the one I made for myself because I remembered to decrease when I started the flap.
I also made more of these, which you may remember from last year. The girls at church had an ornament exchange. I was a little nervous about giving something homemade; everyone else gave store bought ones. But they seemed to be a hit. The party was fun. They read the lyrics to Silent Night and every time they said the word "silent" you passed to the left and every time they said "night" you passed to the right. This was fun and a little dangerous for people holding hot chocolate in one hand and a newborn in the other.
The other thing I finished was the hat to match Ellery's blanket. It was a Christmas gift. (It seemed kind of odd to do gifts for her, seeing as how she would be completely unaware of it, but then totally wrong not to get her anything. So Caleb and I picked out a few things for her together and then each got her things the opposite spouse didn't know about. The hat was one of those.) I don't have a pic yet but I think she will wear it for her 3 month pics next week.
Reunited and it feels so good
Updated by
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
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Welcome back! I have no idea why it shut you out, but I'm really glad it was easy to fix. We need you on this blog!
Love those ornaments! I would think people would be really excited to get hand made ornaments rather than store bought...but maybe they all shop at more exciting stores than I would.
Can't wait to see the new pics of Ellery - I think she may be one of the cutest babies in the history of the world! Seriously. So adorable.
Thanks Abby. We tend to agree. She is cooing so much now and we are trying to get video of it to put on utube, but she sees the camera and just stares at it.
That makes three of us!! I think she is absolutely adorable. I LOVE my new nephew and heaven help me if his parents ever reads this, but Ellery wins the cute contest hands down. I found myself showing Mark's family HER pictures at Christmas (especially that one you used on the Christmas stamps). And Ellery WITH handknits - it's almost too much to take!
It is totally nice to have you back!
I'm glad you liked the stamp. For the record: We got them made at but there are other places you can have them done. And we would recommend the other places. The stamps actually turned out much darker than what they were supposed to be. Additionally, we had ordered some mousepads from them as gifts in plenty of time for their guaranteed Christmas delivery. Well they emailed us the 22nd to tell us that our mousepads were turning out blue and we needed to resubmit the photo. Urgh.
Thanks for the gushing over our princess. We DO need more photos of Pierce too ya know. Did you get to spend Christmas with him?
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