Here is the sweater I gave as a gift last month. All of it was fun to knit except the teeny tiny armhole ribbing. I don't knit a lot with dpns so I am sure that was part of it. As a reminder, this is the one that Ellery removed all the needles from one day.
I finished it the night before the shower and still wanted to block it. The yarn (which I bought in Seattle) says you can machine dry on low. I didn't want to go that far, but I did decide I could dry it about half way. As luck would have it, my dad had been over earlier in the day fixing my broken dryer. (Caleb was in England remember.) Except he didn't fix it. We just thought he did. So here I was with a sopping wet sweater and a shower in about 14 hours. I used a fan, a blow dryer, and an iron and had it mostly dry when I wrapped it. If you knew to look for it, you would have noticed it was still a little damp when Jenny opened it. But I don't think anyone noticed it.
It was a hit at the shower and although she received several handknitted/crocheted gifts there wasn't anything like this. So all in all, I think it was a success.
(the pic was taken with my cell phone since Caleb had the camera)
Baby V-neck Sweater
Updated by
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Where did I get this?
Sorry for the poor quality, but I am tooooo lazy to go get my camera, and then find the know how it goes.
Jen, I swear you were making socks with a similar pattern! Am I completely making that up? Was it Rose? Was it someone else? The yarn is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Maple Grove (the actual colors are browns, corals, and pinks...LOOOOVE it!) and I used a GC from my brother and his wife to purchase it at Knit Wits in Salem, OH. The sock might actually end up being too wide for my foot, so they might end up being a Christmas know, assuming I get them done before Christmas.
Updated by
Tuesday, June 09, 2009