This is a pattern from the Knitting on the Go series Caleb's grandmother gave me. The wrap is supposed to be "just the thing for those ever-so-slightly chilly summer nights." Translation for those of us moving to Houston: "just the thing for the coldest January morning." This is going to sound so silly, but to me it looked like something the wife of a Rice professor would wear. We are really hoping we will have more of an opportunity to enjoy the arts once we move because 1) the free babysitting will allow us to spend money on tickets and 2) the university itself has some terrific programs. So that is when I envision using this.
The finished dimensions are supposed to be 16 by 84 inches. But it says a possible adaptation is to make it just 68 inches long. I chose this option not just because it meant I just had to buy one ball of yarn but because honestly the original size seems so big for someone my height.
I really like knitting it. I have already ripped out once. I went several rows without making the selvedge edge (purling instead of knitting) and even though my Knit Fix book made it clear I could fix it, everything got messed up. Plus the pattern called for size 10 needles. The only pair I had were stinky metal ones so I used them. But my gauge ended up being a little small so ripping gave me an excuse to switch to my size 11 bamboo needles. Ahhhhh sweet relief.
It is going to need some serious blocking when I finish. And also, it has a slant to it that doesn't show up in the pattern. I imagine blocking will fix that too, right?
Oh, FYI I am using the yarn the pattern calls for and I really like it: Cascade Yarns Ecological Wool.
To answer your question Jen, I keep trying to come up with a way for me to get to MDSW festival. But I'm not having much luck. The next few months has quite a bit going on and a lot up in the air too, what with the going back and forth to Houston to try to find a place to live. I haven't given up hope yet but you probably should.
Superlong Wrap
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
Yarn injury
A few weeks ago Caleb took Ellery to the park. She was wearing the hat that Jen knitted her. Well she fell flat on her face at the playground and you can see the results on her forehead. The individual stitches of the hat left polka-dot marks on her skin. Isn't that funny? (Okay, well it was sad when she cried but we can laugh now because there are no long term scars.)
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
I've been called out
So here it is, all finished and what not. I wore it to the museum today and got many compliments. I had to modify the pattern a little - for some reason the sleeves were waaay too small as written so I left out the decreasing in the patterned stitches. And I have pretty small arms, so I'm not sure what was going on with that.
Just a random life update (because I know you're on the edges of your seats...): so far, it's looking like I will not be going on to a PhD program next year. I still have one school to hear from, but in all other cases it was flat out bad news. So, I'm probably taking a year off to regroup and reconfigure. I'm applying for jobs in the Wilmington area because I have a great living arrangement worked out for the summer and I need to stay here for that. So that's the report. I wish I had better news, but like I said...I'm trying to view this as an opportunity to explore some things. So we'll see. I really just need a job that has benefits and pays enough so that I can buy yarn. Should be possible...right?
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Monday, March 10, 2008
this is the shawl that never ends...
it just goes on and on my friends, I started knitting it not knowing what it was, and I will keep on knitting it forever just because this is the shawl that never ends...
Talking lace weight, size 3 needles, and multiply this patch (which takes me 45 minutes cause I'm SLOW) by 108 times and that's without the borders...someday, someday
In the meantime, lovely llama scarf for a cousin who sent me a lovely wooden bowl he had made.
And don't forget the spinnin' y'all. I couldn't quite capture the beautiful colors of this. My friend Erin dyed the roving and it's full of burgundy and light green and brown and gold and pinky-red. LOVE IT! Hard to tell but this is sock weight and probably my most even yet!
Sent in my registration form for a MDSW class. Oh yes, the time is nigh! Any plans, either of you, to come?!
Speaking of MDSW, Abby, your Ravelry pics of the fitted knit tunic sweater with MDSW festival yarn looked suspiciously finished? Did I miss an entry? Something you're not telling us? Anything you'd like to share with the group?
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Sunday, March 09, 2008