Jen's hat

I would have loved to pose for a cute picture in the snow but it's quite warm and I wanted to get one up before we leave on Tuesday.

If you missed the first year slideshow, by the way, here it is:


It's time for the winter knits. We had snow and thunder today. It was a big wet pretty snow. I got out my boucle scarf and Ellery wore the sweater Jen knitted.

Also, last week I helped host a shower for a friend that is expecting twin boys. I got out the ol' Debbie Bliss seed stich hat pattern.

One more thing: Jen, I know you aren't much of a tv watcher. But I'm wondering if anyone saw last week's episode of Pushing Up Daisies. Knitting played a big part.

Help me remember

Ok, I have a project in mind, but I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it. Knits is the likely source, but I don't have the magazines with me at the moment. I want to make a wrap/cowel thing that goes around the shoulders in a continuous circle. The front is sort of like a knot, but it is knitted that way. It's possible that this pattern is in a book dedicated to wraps/cowels. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I think the one in the pattern is a dark red color.

Aha! I found it! The thing I was thinking of, or at least a close approximation of it, is in Wrap Style, Published by Interweave Press Anyone have a copy I can borrow?