Remember this?
Now it's these!
Remember these?
Now they are this!
Can I say how much I love my new sweater?
what's with all the variegated?
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
There you go, the yarn haul from Portland. The light green in the hank and on the needles is the Peace Fleece. The other ball is sock yarn made by...Schaefer Yarns (Anne). (had to go look at the tag). I'm knitting up the Peace Fleece into Henry. I'm thinking of it as the boyfriend scarf redux. If the scarf doesn't scare him off, the socks might. It's sort of like a 1 - 2 punch. Freaked out by the scarf? Bam! Have a pair of socks that are so amazing they make you want to cuddle something that belongs on your feet. I guess time will tell how this pans out. Let's keep in mind, though, that this is the guy who held my yarn a mere 6 weeks into our relationship.
Note: After reading over the post, I realized that it sort of sounds like I'm knitting this lucky man beautiful things in order to scare him off. Of course, that's not the case. I mean, he did hold my yarn! I'd like to keep him around. However, we all know about the taboo knitting-for-the-boy and its typical results. Here's hoping I can dodge the bullet!
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
oops. I wasn't supposed to buy any yarn...but I did. I'm not proud of me, but it was so pretty and so soft. And it smelled good (did not taste it). My only redemption is that, a) I did NOT buy that $25 hank of luxuriously purple lace weight alpaca and, b) everything I purchased will be used for gifts. I mean, I had to buy the boyfriend something for Christmas and his birthday (which is only a few days before Christmas) eventually. Better I buy it now so I have time to knit it into something, right? RIGHT! Ok, so I'm already feeling better about this illicit yarn purchase. So much better, in fact, that I've already balled one hank of Peace Fleece.
(PS I would totally post pics but stupid Photo Booth is stuck and won't open or close. Guess you'll have to wait...)
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
I'm in Portland (for research at the Maine Historical Society).
They have yarn stores.
I will visit these stores, however purchase of yarn is unlikely (given the financial situation brought about by said research trip).
I can still touch, see, and smell the yarn. Maybe I'll try a taste while I'm at it. One of the yarn stores does have a cafe...
(No pics yet, will have some upon return to Delaware)
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Friday, September 14, 2007
There must be a horrible lack of knitting activity since we've stooped to cartoons and pictures of adorable babies to entertain each other.
I actually fell so hard Tuesday and skinned both hands so badly I haven't knitted since!! I haven't fallen like that since I was 10. I'd post the wounds and bruises but they really don't entertain in the same way babies do! The non-knitting is starting to make me twitch...
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Sunday, September 09, 2007