Now that the weather is better we are out and about all the time. I've been itching to get to the LYS and use my gift certificate. Then I got an email from them that on St. Paddy's day all yarn with green in it was 15% off. That was all the push I needed. I don't think I've knitted with green yarn before.
I made these purchases (in addition to size 2 needles I forgot to include in the photo). The "apple" yarn is a cotton I am using for a belt. The pattern has some new stitches I haven't done but is obviously just the same thing repeated, so I figured it is the perfect project for me right now. The green yarn I will use for a basic scarf; I don't have a pattern yet but it just looked fun to work with.
And now you are thinking, "What? an entire post without pictures of Ellery?!?" Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint. So here is Ellery with her Dad at the LYS.
St. Pat's Purchases
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Colonial Williamsburg
Ok, I have lots of great pics from this trip but Blogger isn't cooperating and I don't have time to mess with it. Click on this picture and it should take you to Picasa.
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Colonial Williamsbu |
The trip was awesome. We, being the special people that we are, got to actually do lots of colonial crafts, not just watch them like everyone else. We made bucket staves, silver rings, iron S hooks, thimbles for gun barrels, cast pewter spoons, and put an iron ring on a wagon wheel. It was so much fun! I looked for "Ye olde yarn shoppe" but alas, no luck there. The only yarn I found was weaving quality and I wasn't about to drop $22 for coarse, yellow yarn.
The weather has been amazing the last few days! Too bad it's supposed to rain buckets and buckets tonight :-(
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
A Tale of Two...Wristwarmers
It was the fuzziest of wristwarmers;
it was the loveliest of wristwarmers.
It was the bulkiest of wristwarmers;
It was the most elegant of wristwarmers.
So I made the green "it-looks-like-my-wrists-are-growing-moss" wristwarmers Wed for a friend who's birthday is tomorrow and decided I just couldn't send them. I had doubts about them from the beginning but the yarn was in the stash and I was trying to make them in time to send. I actually like them, despite all I've said about their mossy bulkiness, but they just aren't my friend. She needed something more classic. Plus, I've learned that wristwarmers are not really that well-known as an article of clothing outside the knitting and perhaps starving artist communities so while my friend is funky, big bulky green ones just weren't going to work on an uninitiated. The blue ones required a trip to the yarn store, i.e. den of temptation (but I was really good...if by "really good" you understand me to say that I bought myself more C*eye*ber fiber when I couldn't possibly spin all I have now in a month) and she won't get them on her birthday but I think she'll get her mind around them and really like them. (and remember, gift knitting in no way counts against my New Year's resolutions...right)
And now by popular request, absolutely unrelated to fiber in anyway so I won't even pretend, remember you asked for it, PIERCE!!
(I picked the one of him in a Texas shirt especially for you Brandy!) Ah yes, my auntly job is done here.
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Sunday, March 04, 2007